Source code for bioutils.seqfetcher

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Provides sequence fetching from NCBI and Ensembl.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import os
import random
import re
import time

import requests

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Reece requested registration on 2017-09-03
ncbi_tool = "bioutils"
ncbi_email = ""
retry_limit = 3

[docs]def fetch_seq(ac, start_i=None, end_i=None): """Fetches sequences and subsequences from NCBI eutils and Ensembl REST interfaces. Args: ac (str): The accession of the sequence to fetch. start_i (int, optional): The start index (interbase coordinates) of the subsequence to fetch. Defaults to ``None``. It is recommended to retrieve a subsequence by providing an index here, rather than by Python slicing the whole sequence. end_i (int, optional): The end index (interbase coordinates) of the subsequence to fetch. Defaults to ``None``. It is recommended to retrieve a subsequence by providing an index here, rather than by Python slicing the whole sequence. Returns: str: The requested sequence. Raises: RuntimeError: If the syntax doesn't match that of any of the databases. RuntimeError: If the request to the database fails. Examples: >>> len(fetch_seq('NP_056374.2')) 1596 >>> fetch_seq('NP_056374.2',0,10) # This! 'MESRETLSSS' >>> fetch_seq('NP_056374.2')[0:10] # Not this! 'MESRETLSSS' # Providing intervals is especially important for large sequences: >>> fetch_seq('NC_000001.10',2000000,2000030) 'ATCACACGTGCAGGAACCCTTTTCCAAAGG' # This call will pull back 30 bases plus overhead; without the # interval, one would receive 250MB of chr1 plus overhead! # Essentially any RefSeq, Genbank, BIC, or Ensembl sequence may be # fetched. >>> fetch_seq('NM_9.9') Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: No sequence available for NM_9.9 >>> fetch_seq('QQ01234') Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: No sequence fetcher for QQ01234 """ ac_dispatch = [ { "re": re.compile(r"^(?:AC|N[CGMPRTW])_|^[A-L]\w\d|^U\d"), "fetcher": _fetch_seq_ncbi, }, {"re": re.compile(r"^ENS[TP]\d+"), "fetcher": _fetch_seq_ensembl}, ] eligible_fetchers = [dr["fetcher"] for dr in ac_dispatch if dr["re"].match(ac)] if len(eligible_fetchers) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No sequence fetcher for {ac}".format(ac=ac)) if len(eligible_fetchers) >= 1: # pragma: nocover (no way to test) _logger.debug( "Multiple sequence fetchers found for " "{ac}; using first".format(ac=ac) ) fetcher = eligible_fetchers[0] _logger.debug("fetching {ac} with {f}".format(ac=ac, f=fetcher)) try: return fetcher(ac, start_i, end_i) except requests.RequestException as ex: raise RuntimeError("Failed to fetch {ac} ({ex})".format(ac=ac, ex=ex))
# ########################################################################### # Internal functions def _fetch_seq_ensembl(ac, start_i=None, end_i=None): """Fetch sequence slice from Ensembl public REST interface. Args: ac (str): The accession of the sequence to fetch. start_i (int, optional): The start index (interbase coordinates) of the subsequence to fetch. Defaults to None. end_i (int, optional): The end index (interbase coordinates) of the subsequence to fetch. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The requested (sub)sequence Raises: RequestException: if request is unsuccessful. KeyError: if Ensembl API returns a different version than requested Note: The Ensembl REST interface does not currently accept intervals, so this method slices the sequence locally. Examples: >> len(_fetch_seq_ensembl('ENSP00000288602')) 766 >> _fetch_seq_ensembl('ENSP00000288602',0,10) u'MAALSGGGGG' >> _fetch_seq_ensembl('ENSP00000288602')[0:10] u'MAALSGGGGG' >> ac = 'ENSP00000288602' >> _fetch_seq_ensembl(ac ,0, 10) == _fetch_seq_ensembl(ac)[0:10] True """ # Ensembl API only takes transcript IDs (without version) and returns the latest one # So we need to strip the transcript version, then check if what was returned was the one we requested version = None m = re.match(r"^(ENST\d+)\.(\d+)$", ac) if m: ac, version = m.groups() version = int(version) url = f"{ac}" r = requests.get(url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}) r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() if version is not None: latest_version = data["version"] if version != latest_version: msg = f"Ensembl API only provides {ac} version ({latest_version}), requested: {version}" raise KeyError(msg) seq = data["seq"] return seq if (start_i is None or end_i is None) else seq[start_i:end_i] def _fetch_seq_ncbi(ac, start_i=None, end_i=None): """Fetches sequences from NCBI using the eutils interface. Args: ac (str): The accession of the sequence to fetch. start_i (int, optional): The start index (interbase coordinates) of the subsequence to fetch. Defaults to None. end_i (int, optional): The end index (interbase coordinates) of the subsequence to fetch. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The requested (sub)sequence Raises: RequestException: if request is unsuccessful. Notes: An interbase interval may be optionally provided with start_i and end_i. NCBI eutils will return just the requested subsequence, which might greatly reduce payload sizes (especially with chromosome-scale sequences). The request includes `tool` and `email` arguments to identify the caller as the bioutils package. According to, these values should correspond to the library, not the library client. Using the defaults is recommended. Nonetheless, callers may set ``bioutils.seqfetcher.ncbi_tool`` and ``bioutils.seqfetcher.ncbi_email`` to custom values if that is desired. Examples: >> len(_fetch_seq_ncbi('NP_056374.2')) 1596 Pass the desired interval rather than using Python's [] slice operator. >> _fetch_seq_ncbi('NP_056374.2',0,10) 'MESRETLSSS' >> _fetch_seq_ncbi('NP_056374.2')[0:10] 'MESRETLSSS' >> _fetch_seq_ncbi('NP_056374.2',0,10) == _fetch_seq_ncbi('NP_056374.2')[0:10] True """ db = "protein" if ac[1] == "P" else "nucleotide" url_fmt = ( "" "db={db}&id={ac}&rettype=fasta" ) if start_i is None or end_i is None: url = url_fmt.format(db=db, ac=ac) else: url_fmt += "&seq_start={start}&seq_stop={stop}" url = url_fmt.format(db=db, ac=ac, start=start_i + 1, stop=end_i) url += "&tool={tool}&email={email}".format(tool=ncbi_tool, email=ncbi_email) url = _add_eutils_api_key(url) n_retries = 0 while True: resp = requests.get(url) if resp.ok: seq = "".join(resp.text.splitlines()[1:]) return seq elif resp.status_code == 400: # Invalid sequence or start/stop position for that sequence raise RuntimeError( "Fetching sequence {} with start index {} and end index {} failed, invalid sequence " "or start or end position".format(ac, start_i, end_i) ) if n_retries >= retry_limit: break if n_retries == 0: _logger.warning("Failed to fetch {}".format(url)) sleeptime = random.randint(n_retries, 3) ** n_retries _logger.warning( "Failure {}/{}; retry in {} seconds".format( n_retries, retry_limit, sleeptime ) ) time.sleep(sleeptime) n_retries += 1 # Falls through only on failure resp.raise_for_status() def _add_eutils_api_key(url): """Adds an eutils api key to the query. Args: url (str): The query url without the api key. Returns: str: The query url with the api key, if one is stored in the environment variable ``NCBI_API_KEY``, otherwise it is unaltered. """ apikey = os.environ.get("NCBI_API_KEY") if apikey: url += "&api_key={apikey}".format(apikey=apikey) return url # So that I don't forget why I didn't use ebi too: # $ curl '' # >ENA|AM407889|AM407889.2 Medicago sativa partial mRNA ... # AACGTATCACACTTCTTCTCCATTTCTTTTTCTTACATCTTCTCTCTACAAATTCATTTC # Note that we requested .1, got .2. Implicit behavior bites again. if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: nocover import doctest doctest.testmod()